November 13, 2015

Product and Service Descriptions

Writing Product and Service Descriptions is Not Simple

natural health service writing natural health product writing product and service descriptionsYou might think that writing a description about your natural health product or service is a simple task. List off the ingredients or parts, benefits, and cost. Done.

You could do this. But service and product descriptions like this do not sell your product.

You need the descriptions to focus on your potential buyer, not your company because people don’t really care about your company (except perhaps that you are ethical!), they care most about what you can do for them.

Guess What? We Know How to Do This

Our natural health professional writers will emphasize your product or service’s important benefits, tell an appealing story, educate rather than simply push the sale, and even use personal experience, genuine testimonials, and case studies.

That’s much more than a simple description.

Contact us to find out how we can help you by making your natural product and service descriptions deliver a more compelling message.